


Stadtgarten Saal

Seefeel began in London in the early 1990s as a rather conventional rock formation. It wasn’t long, however, until electronic production techniques became integral to their sound. They soon evolved through shoegaze and post-rock to create their own unsettling brand of ambient dub. By the mid-90s they were the first artists using guitars to sign to Warp.

After several breaks, which have spawned a multitude of diverse projects, Seefeel are back and founding members Mark Clifford and Sarah Peacock are still finding new magic in old tricks. Everything Squared, their first album in 13 years, is such an unexpected joy. It’s not just that Clifford has figured out a route back to the old ways, although, blissfully, he has; nor simply that there’s still an audience for such endeavors. The pleasure of this half hour lies in its optimism—its faith that so much can be made of so little, still. (Pitchfork)

Funding Partners

Radio Partnership

Media Partnership